Sawbones Spout Climate Change Claptrap

The medical establishment has been captured by the globalists. Check out this headline from an article that appeared in my email from the JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association): “Critical Care Physician Takes on Climate Change in New World Health Organization Role.” In the 1970s I can remember climate scare tactics being applied but back then we were supposedly headed for a new ice age by the turn of the century. Then they decided the problem was global warming. After several years of cooling occurred they changed the name to climate change. These climate hysterics are shameless but persistent. Here is a small snippet from the climate change JAMA article:

“This June, the World Health Organization (WHO) appointed Kerry its first-ever Director-General Special Envoy for Climate Change and Health. ‘The climate crisis is a health crisis,’ she said in a recent video interview with JAMA, in which she spoke about the rapidly escalating threat that climate change poses to human health—and the opportunity the health care sector has to change course.”

To “change course.” In other words, allow us to direct you from the top down. These court intellectuals claim that hydrocarbon emissions from the use of fossil fuels are poised to harm the planet, and thus mankind unless we take drastic measures now (like adopt EVs on a large scale). Meanwhile, climate related deaths have been on a steady decline since the 1930s, largely due to the extensive use of these same hydrocarbons. And many of the same activists that claim to be so fearful of carbon emissions are also opposed to nuclear energy, which produces no carbon emissions. I smell a rat.

The climate change scam is not about saving the planet; it’s about exerting more power and control over people. One way to exert more control is to limit people’s mobility. I can fill the tank of my car with gas in five minutes and drive it for almost 500 miles without stopping. An electric vehicle will take hours to charge and may go half that far under ideal conditions. Furthermore, you must beef up the electrical system in your home. According to Kentucky congressman and electrical engineer Thomas Massie, the typical two car family converting to EVs will be running the equivalent of 25 extra refrigerators. How will all that extra electricity be generated? Surely some will be powered by natural gas or coal. And how will all the metals that go into those EV batteries be mined? With large caterpillars that burn diesel fuel. Also, EVs are much more expensive. I can buy a used vehicle with a gas engine for 20k, drive it for 100,000 miles and then sell it for 5k. My cost for the vehicle alone has been $15,000 for 100,000 miles; that’s fifteen cents per mile. I can push a gas engine to 200,000 miles or more. The EV will be done at 100,000 miles. The average cost of a new gas powered engine car is about $35,000 vs. the EVs $50,000 average new car cost. These cars are mainly owned by the virtue-signaling parasitic elites while the productive working folks are forced to subsidize it via taxation or inflation (the printing press).

So fewer people will be able to afford a car if we convert to only electric vehicles. That’s not a bug but a feature if you want to control people. The globalist elites have also introduced the concept of “15 minute cities.” The idea is to have these city dwellers be within a 15 minute walk to all they need: groceries, hardware store, clothing shops, restaurants, movie theaters, etc. The image of a hamster running on a wheel comes to mind. Less mobility for the masses; more control for the elites. People need to wake up to what’s occuring in slow motion in front of them and complain now before it’s too late. Your internal combustion engine has been marked for extinction and with it the mobility it brings. The vaccine passports and lockdowns during the covid hysteria had the same effect of limiting mobility and enhancing government control. It wasn’t about protecting your health and it isn’t about saving the planet. As popular radio personality Earl Pitts used to say: “Wake up America!”

Elon Musk’s Tesla has spent billions installing EV charging stations in 48 states. One such station is located about half-way between Los Angeles and San Francisco and is named the Harris Ranch Supercharger Station. It contains 98 charging units. However, if all 98 units were being used at the same time it would take down the local electrical grid- blackout city. But do not despair. What rides in to save the day but, wait for it… diesel powered generators. These generators are operating under less strict emissions standards than, wait for it… gas powered cars. “Green” electric vehicles are a scam folks, intended to redistribute wealth to the likes of Elon Musk, while at the same time draining resources from you and me and making transportation more expensive. Another goal of the elites is to eliminate the middle class. Poor people are easier to control due to fewer resources to command. Upper class, lower class, and nothing in the middle. You could call it neo-feudalism for the modern age. As one World Economic Forum spokesman said “You will own nothing and you will like it.” That’s the plan.

We can punch back or continue to be the punching bag. Find ways to become more self-sufficient so that you can say “no” when the next wave of tyranny arrives- and it will. If enough people say no we will win. Their plans depend on enough people just going along to get along. That is a crucial point so I’ll say it again. Their plans depend on enough people just going along to get along. During the height of the covid hysteria in October 2020 I was proud to gather with many freedom-minded people at a Mises Institute event at Jekyll Island Georgia. At a time when the whole world was masked we all attended the event for three days and there was not a mask to be found. Not one. Were we being needlessly reckless? No. We knew what most did not; masks don’t prevent acquiring or passing respiratory viruses. That very knowledge had been the position of the CDC until covid. The CDC changed their position based not on “the science” but for political expediency. The goal was not to protect but to frighten. Paniced people were more likely to take the “vaccines” and submit to vaccine passports or lockdown orders.

Note: I used “vaccines” rather than vaccines because in the past everyone understood that a vaccine is supposed to prevent you from getting and passing along a disease. The covid “vaccines” did neither. The CDC changed the definition of vaccine just as they had changed the “science” about masking. Not to inform but to deceive. All this legerdemain would not have been possible without the regime’s willing mouthpieces in the legacy media and censorship in the new social media. Thanks to recent revelations such as the “Twitter files” we know that government entities colluded with social media during the covid hysteria to suppress dissident voices, in clear violation of the First Amendment.

Now back to the idea of resistance. As I drove home from the office one day during the covid hysteria in 2020 I stopped at a local Publix to get groceries. I was the only person in the store not wearing a mask. I knew the masks did not work because I had found respiratory virus experts from big name universities such as Harvard, Stanford, and Oxford who were willing to tell the truth. Not all the doctors were lying, just the official government experts. Not one person challenged me as I walked through the store wearing my scrubs and NOT wearing a mask. My point was to display passive resistance. You don’t have to show up at city hall with a pitchfork; simply don’t go along with the tyranny. If enough people resist they are powerless to stop us. They can’t throw everybody in jail. Passive resistance by a few can lead to passive resistance by the many and the cancelling of policies that curtail civil liberties. We have the numbers but we can’t act as clay in their hands.

Arm yourself with the knowledge you need by NOT believing anything the legacy media tells you. You can’t trust CNN, Fox News, the New York Times, Wikipedia, the Google search engine, your local network affiliate news, facebook, or instagram. Instead, get your news from,, or Sign up for the Tom Woods newsletter at Use the Yandex search engine, rather than wikipedia.

Remove your kids from the left-wing indoctrination camps called public schools. They are instructing such balderdash as there are multiple genders, white people are oppressors, and we live in a white supremacist country. Find an alternative such as home schooling with the Ron Paul Home School ( Tom Woods did the history portion of that curriculum. He is one of the good guys and has a B.S. in history from Harvard and a PhD in history from Columbia. You will not find a better history teacher anywhere. The Ron Paul Homeschool not only teaches a more nuanced version of history, but teaches public speaking, how to start your own online business, and how to be an entrepreneur. In other words, it teaches students how to be independent financially and intellectually. We must stop supporting institutions that hate us. And yes, take them to church so they can learn there is a higher power than the State. Religion acts as another power center; that’s why they hate it just as the former Soviet Union hated it. That’s why the regime was so insistent on shutting down churches during the covid hysteria. It’s not about public health or saving the planet. It is about control. But be careful when choosing a church because even some of the religious institutions have been infiltrated by left-wing ideologues. I was in Memphis last year and saw the following message on a banner on the lawn of a church with the First United Methodist Church logo on it: “End Racism.” If your church is teaching race politics rather than the gospel, it is time to find another church.

During the covid hysteria many workers had to choose between keeping their jobs and taking the “vaccine.” How can you avoid future tyranny in the workplace? You can start your own business or learn a new skill that will allow you to earn from home. Start a side gig. Work for a smaller company who may be less likely than larger ones to succumb to the woke madness. Stop borrowing money to make consumer purchases such as cars. Save enough money to pay cash for them. The more debt you have the less independent you are. Don’t keep up with the Joneses by borrowing. It is the road to prison. Pay off the credit card every month or use a debit card instead. Don’t spend money you don’t have. Live in a smaller house so you can more easily afford the mortgage payments. Gain some cash flow by investing in affordable rental houses in landlord friendly jurisdictions (not San Francisco!). You can buy these properties without ever visiting them and have the property manager and tenants in place as soon as you close on the property. They only sell to investors so you will not be competing with retail buyers. They will even help you sell the property if and when the time comes. I will give you two websites where this can easily be done: and The more cash flow you have aside from your job income the more independent and less subject to tyranny you become. Grow your own food or buy from a local independent farmer to become less vulnerable in a food crisis. Keep a three month supply of non-perishable food on hand and some drinking water. Take action now before the next manufactured crisis arrives.

The choice is ours. Let’s choose freedom and be brave in the face of tyranny. As Thomas Paine said long ago:

” Tyranny, like hell, is not easily conquered; yet we have this consolation with us, that the harder the conflict, the more glorious the triumph.”